The Muratorian Fragment - Da Vinci Code and the Canon of Scripture
The Muratorian Fragment
In the Da Vinci Code, Brown asserts that Constantine, emperor from 312-337. But this is pure intentional ignorance. For example, the Muratorain fragment is accepted as written about 170AD. The fragment lists the books of the bible starting by saying that Luke is the third gospel and listing the remainder of the books with the exception of Hebrews and it only mentions two epistles of John and he seems to not mention James. Other than that this list is extremely close to our current bible.
As for the disputes regarding the Canon which were discussed until the time of Constantine, these are with respect to the
In the Da Vinci Code, Brown asserts that Constantine, emperor from 312-337. But this is pure intentional ignorance. For example, the Muratorain fragment is accepted as written about 170AD. The fragment lists the books of the bible starting by saying that Luke is the third gospel and listing the remainder of the books with the exception of Hebrews and it only mentions two epistles of John and he seems to not mention James. Other than that this list is extremely close to our current bible.
As for the disputes regarding the Canon which were discussed until the time of Constantine, these are with respect to the