Observe and Learn

Saturday, July 17, 2004

To Blog or not to Blog - OK I've made the decision!!!

I was reading the paper today and I read the letters to the editor in the LA Times. the story is basically that Robert Reich wrote a new book, "Reason: Why Liberals will win the battle for America", and Charlotte Allen wrote a critique of Reich's book in the LA Times. Today, Robert Reich wrote back, saying Allen mischaracterizes his arguement. Reich says he thinks the end of democracy could be foisted on us by those who, 'believe that human beings owe their allegience and identity to a higher authority and who disdain reason and logic in favor of religious dogma'. As I continued to read the letters to the editor on this topic, I came across another opinion written in typical American mis-education fashion which asserted that Hitler was a catholic and was loyal to "God". Pure shallow lunacy!! Hitler was a German young Hegalian. Such a philosophical perspective is overtly anti-christian. Please!!!
So I am compelled to enter the arena of this battle for ideas and truth. America, and even the intellectual left, are so either ignorant on the one hand or simply to partisan to understand history on the other. I really beleive Reich is sincere in his beliefs, and  I trust that he really believes that beliefs in absolute truths that indeed trump all other arguements is a real bad thing and that such beleifs are all created equal!!
Well Mr. reich, explain to me how Martin Luther King's commitment to non-violence was not, first, a belief in a higher authority which he believed dogmatically, and, secondly, explain to me how it was not a faith he held against all the logic and reason of his detractors!!! It is unreasonable to have such a strong dogmatic faith that God will win if we trust Him as Martin Luther King did. It is such unwavering and unreasonable faith that empowers the Christian to turn the other cheek. This is blind faith, and it is the root of all courage and moral beauty. It is the content of one's beleifs that are either good or evil. I think therefore I BLOG!!! The battle lines have been drawn.  I have decided to take off the gloves and fight!!!
I will take the following strategy. I will blog as often as possible in two blogs. This one and another to be created shortly. This blog will deal with the following topics all epistimological in nature.
1. The anti-rational views of the political conspiracies and speculative theories of both the far left and the far right which currently divide our nation.
2. Bad Science and how the American mis-educated fall for such tripe.
3. The Positive role of observation as the true method of learning.
My Second blog will be on
1. Christian Discipleship
2. The Present Management Revolution and its effect on the church.
In this second blog, I will journal my current book developments and the morning devotions that make up my Sunday Sermons at the church I pastor.
So there it is. I am committed to the process.


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