Observe and Learn

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

I Can See For Miles - When it comes to how #$@*^$ Michael Moore is

In our home Stupid is a bad word.

Anyway. Mojoey gave me this link. It does all the research I do not have the time or expertise to do. This guy is actually smart and informed. READ THIS and LEARN what intellectual laziness and propaganda is all about:

Friday, June 18, 2004

It's about Trust Stupid.

Leadership is about trust. The BIG, BIG, BIG question for this election is trust. I do believe few people have much trust for either candidate in the 2004 presidential election. Bush has completely fumbled the ball, picked it up, and ran the wrong way on the trust issue.

A little poem I wrote right after 9/11;

On Higher Ground

Bless your father and kiss your sons.
Trade your dimes for a smile from your little ones.
Let the land lie fallow give the servants a rest.
It’s not an inalienable right to be forever blessed.

It can slip from your fingers and tug at your sleeve.
A guilty mind, a beggar’s please
Can haunt your soul and bring you down.
Cause to win a war you must stand
On Higher Ground.

We’ve been taught to listen to both sides of a fight.
It’s never an issue of who’s wrong or who’s right.
“What’s good for you ain’t good for me”
“Live and let live” and “let it be”.

Pimps in the white house and CEOs
Like gangsters running Vegas Casinos
Like assault and battery without the blood
Like an underage runaway strung out on drugs
Like a gold ring in a pigs snout
Like a tree in the forest, a child’s shout
Like labor laws in a far away land
Like a silk dress on your old man
Like a sick priest and an altar boy
To tell a lie and have it then be found
That to win a war you must stand
On Higher Ground.

It's about Trust Stupid!!!!!!

Thursday, June 17, 2004

I work with Flat-earthers

It is so hard for people to change their paradigm. I work at a manufacturing facility. I have attempted to assist other sites in our company with change. The process is so often confused by ego that people become obstinate, stubborn and ultimately unprofitable. The process is like the following:
Say you have a test to take. The test is tomorrow. So you study. All your peers realize that the test can be taken every month. They have many chances to pass. So they do not study. When you get to the test, you realize the test is a group test (isn't everything). So the first question is "4+4=?". You raise your hand. "I think the correct answer is b:8". The guy with the MBA stands up with a dry erase marker and says: "No, Think about it. If you have 4 fingers and you add four more fingers, how many fingers do you have? Ten. Every one knows you have ten fingers. The answer is d:10!!!." Everyone is quite impressed and the group marks the test "d".

I think it is an important question to ask oneself: "How do we remain cool when we are living in just such a circumstance?"

Often people lack emotional intellegence or have other hidden motives for thinking the way they do. I have observed that the political dynamics of a situation often has more weight in some people's minds than the truth. Political dynamics becomes the enemy of truth. Ego and insecurity undermines peoples ability to simply come to the right decision and move forward. We sure are strange creatures. For me, I say: "No, matter what the politburo says "the earth moves"!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Extremism, Michael Moore and Education

OK here is my observation of the day. I saw that Michael Moore's new "documentary" film received a standing ovation at its premiere in the US. OK admittedly, I have not seen the movie, BUT.. I do know that M.&M.'s movie is saying there are ties between the Bushes and the Saudis. The implication is somehow they are all colluding for some monetary end or maybe to rule the world (which is a bad thing). Here is a simple observation. "W" is a fundamentalist, evangelical Christian. Fundamentalist, evangelical Christians in the 21st century do not tend to trust Muslims. To imply that there is a covenant between the two parties is simply grassy-knoll, conspiracy-wacko logic. OK, so the moon could be made of cheese "under the surface", but it makes no logical sense that it is. So M&M's theory is just a few minutes beyond of the twilight zone - it isn't the brightest. The point is, "why do Americans in the 21st century applaud this stuff like a bunch of raving Nazi's"? I say it is a sign of the failure of our educational system. We think conspiracy and lack of trust in what we see is critical thinking. To be critical is somehow to make speculations about what lies hidden under the surface. No!!! That is superstition. To be a critical thinker is the exact opposite of superstition. Hitler had superstitious theories and so does Osama. To be a critical thinker, you doubt speculation and superstition. Newton said the heart of science is humility. We do not in our ignorance pretend to know things that are actually just superstition. It is conspiracy and ignorance that is the hotbed of extremism. Such intellectual darkness leads to these "beyond the twilight zone" conspiracy theories. The root of our current political hatred is our failure to teach our children to think. As long as M&M keeps demonizing the opposition, can fascist intolerance be far behind?? Extremism is the superstition that demonizes our enemies. We must open our eyes and teach ourselves to "observe and learn".

Monday, June 14, 2004

Feminists against No-fault Divorce

OK so I had a moving experience this weekend. A friend of mine is going through a divorce. Her husband starting taking steriods about 7 years ago or so and he has been a pig ever since. He sleeps with prostitutes, drinks vodka every night and tries to get her to go play with him in kinky-town Mexico. They have together a four year old and a one year old. She has not worked for many years as she has invested all her efforts into caring for the children. Well, she is being told by the county clerk that the estate will be split fifty-fifty and his total disregard for their marital contract and his responsibilities is not relevant to her rights to the estate. Wait a minute here!! Has not this man violated some civil law?? Is not his total disregard for the legal contract to which she invested her life into a TORT?? Well, I do not know the law in California but I am going to look into it. If you know the law please inform me. As it stand I think no-fault seems like saying marriage is no longer a binding contract. Maybe I will start a new radical feminist group: "Feminists against No-Fault Divorce"!!! I am serious. This woman and the others like her (men included) need some one to advocate for them. Lord only knows Lawyers make pretty piss poor advocates these days!!!

Friday, June 11, 2004

How did we get here?

What am I into. As if you all care. I am into the scientific method. Therefore, the title "observe and learn". What I really do not like are people who talk a lot about things they just think in their head. Like Journalists. Or conspiracy wackos. Or that guy mojoey.blogspot. Just kidding.

So today's thought is:

Leftist wackos under the reagan-era. When I was at Stanford, I was a "leftist-wacko". I hated Reagan because he said, "America Good; Communists bad." Now today, we realize "America OK Communists a lot worse than we thought". So, the fact is the "journalist college-kid crowd" thought the ideas of communism were kinda neat, but they didn't take into account that these guys kill lots of people. So what should win the war for the truth: 1) Our observation of reality or 2) Marxist theory. As always Observation WINS.